
Panama is quickly becoming the destination of choice for all those who wish to get away or have a second home to rest.

40 miles from the capital city of Panama, the site is the perfect combination of island life and the culture of a great city. The archipelago got its name because of the large amount of pearls from these waters, including La Peregrina, (the largest Pearl in the world) which was given to the Queen of Spain. 380 Islands in this archipelago are mostly uninhabited.

40 miles from the capital city of Panama, the site is the perfect combination of island life and the culture of a great city. The archipelago got its name because of the large amount of pearls from these waters, including La Peregrina, (the largest Pearl in the world) which was given to the Queen of Spain. 380 Islands in this archipelago are mostly uninhabited.

40 miles from the capital city of Panama, the site is the perfect combination of island life and the culture of a great city. The archipelago got its name because of the large amount of pearls from these waters, including La Peregrina, (the largest Pearl in the world) which was given to the Queen of Spain. 380 Islands in this archipelago are mostly uninhabited.


From 90 to 120 minutes by catamaran, 25 minutes by helicopter or plane, the archipelago of Las Perlas in Panama is so close that you can see from the city.

How to get to Viveros Island?

1. With private boat slips are available at the Marina with water service, security and diesel fuel.

2. Through Ferry Las Perlas (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays) departure from the Trump Tower. For online reservations please visit the website: or through Tel 831-5048. They also offer online sales of Day Passes at the Beach Club including cost of ferry + access to the Beach Club and lunch. Departure at 7:00 am and arrival at 5:30 pm to Panama City.

3. Catamaran Sea Las Perlas (every day except Tuesday and Thursday) Departure from the Balboa Yacht Club dock Causeway (next to Fridays Rest) through its web site online sale Day Pass including ferry + cost of access to the Beach Club and lunch - departure at 7:00 am and arrival at 5:30 pm Panama.  

4. Optional: with a plane to Contadora from Air Panama plus a 15mins boat to Viveros Island. This until our airstrip is back in service) or can also rent a helicopter.


Known as the "crossroads of the Americas" due to its privileged position between North and South America and by its aviation company with more than 73 destinations around the globe; Panama is also an important link in the global supply chain because its geographical position with the channel has shortened distances and has served as a center of redistribution of goods to various countries of the region. Currently, its enlargement represents one of the largest works in the world, with 5 000 workers. It is also known for its highly developed international banking sector, with approximately 80 banks.

The Indian meaning of the name of the country, "abundance of fish", reflects the reputation of Panama as a paradise for water sports lovers as for eco-tourists. Panama was also recently named the country with the greatest variety of birds in the world; above 900. With an extensive range of restaurants, shopping, nightlife and casinos sites, Panama City rivals any big city in the world. With one of the highest degrees of security of Latin America and one of the friendliest taxes in the world, Panama is quickly becoming the destination of choice for all those who wish to retire or have a second home to rest.